Note: fig nos in brackets refer to CAMUS BOOK CHAPTER 15

Fig C1 (Fig 15c) Chancel Arch: the shafts with their cushion capitals are not later than 1120.

Fig C2 (Fig 15d) Pulpit; early 17th Century semi-octagonal drum style, elaborately carved with vine leaves, grapes and flowers.

Fig C3 (Fig 15j) Altar Table: dark oak, dated 1620, it includes the classic bulbous legs with cups carved with acanthus leaves.

Fig C4 (Fig 15h) The Dove Monument: the North aisle was elevated and rebuilt to accommodate the Dove memorial. There are fourteen lead coffins in the vault below.

Fig C5 (Fig 15i) Masons’ Marks: these marks can be found in a number of places, including the balustrade and appear to be associated with 17th century work in the North aisle.

Fig C6 (Fig 15g) Chalice Beaker, dated 1610-1620, possibly of German or Netherlands origin with three medallions of profile heads.

Fig C7 (Fig 15e) Paten; engraved ‘The Guift of Ann ye widdow of Thomas Dove Esqr of Upton 1683.’ ‘Donated to the church by William Andrew, priest of Upton. On the tenth anniversary of his ordination in 1869’.

Fig C8 (Fig 15k) Chair: dark oak 17th century joined chair, with carved initials ‘JD’, incorporating older wood carvings.(JD is presumably John Dove).

Fig C9 (Fig 15l) Chair: dark oak, engraved ‘Joane Browne A WANT NOT D 1700’; joined chair again incorporating older wooden panel.

Fig C10 (Fig 15f) Two Handled Cup; engraved with the sacred chi-rho monogram, assayed Newcastle 1769.

Fig C11 (Fig 15m) Lectern: 1920s, in memory of PO AJ Pendred Royal Navy and Pte HW Hornsby Suffolk Regt, with roundels carved on the column symbolising the four evangelists.